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Music Ministry

The music ministry acts as a vehicle to usher in the presence of God. It is to set and establish an atmosphere that is conducive to worship, enabling (a) the presence of God to move freely among the congregation and (b) each person in the congregation to experience Christ on a personal level. The music ministry should serve as an enhancement to the worship service (Not distraction), preparing the people for the delivery of the Word of God. Currently our assembly has a senior and junior band comprised of percussion, string instruments, keyboards and steel pan. 

Usher Ministry

The Usher Ministry embodies the act of service which sometimes goes unnoticed. This Ministry allows you to interact with church members and visitors at our services.  As an usher you greet the attendees; make sure they are seated in the assembly and answer any questions about where various classes and activities are taking place. Ushers also helps with the offering and counting the attendance. These are the first smiles you will see at the House of the Lord.

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry also known as our YPHA Department, is a great place to meet other youth and discover their purpose. This ministry caters for the youngest person to those in their early 30s.  We focus on reaching out to youth in a relevant way through worship, current and relevant discussions and messages and an atmosphere that connects with our young people.  The goal of this ministry is to see our youth yearn for Christ and mature in their walk with Him.

Men's Ministry

This Ministry in our assembly is called Men's Fellowship and desires to promote the transformation of the men of the church into the image of the ultimate man, Jesus Christ, by providing opportunities for relationship, education, and service in areas that facilitate spiritual growth in the primary male roles of husband, father, son, and laborer so that everyone they encounter will desire to connect to Jesus.

Prayer Ministry

This prayer ministry supports through prayer, fasting and intercession the needs of the congregation, the Executive Team, church ministries, the country, and world.  Prayer requests come from several sources; and this team of intercessors stand in the gap for all those in need.

Social Media Ministry

With social media now being added to the church's outreach channel, this Ministry is responsible for   announcements of our upcoming activities and changes in our church schedules. Also, to facilitate communication among members  through announcements from ministry heads; and to upload pictures and videos of previous activities and outreach programs.

Website Ministry

Half the world's population is online seeking answers and information for everything, including spiritual guidance. So our church now not only sits at the corner of Melrose but is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and can draw seekers and future members via our website. The Website Ministry is the place for answering questions about membership, receiving prayer requests, and ensuring that all persons around the world have an opportunity to know the name "Jesus".

Dance & Drama Ministries

Our Dance and Drama Ministries are not limited to any particular age group but allow the members of our church to use their talents and God-given gifts in praise and worship. These Ministries share the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and bring comfort to those feeling lost or forgotten. Both dance and drama are seen as powerful tools used to spread the word of God.

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ..."

Ephesians 4:11-12 (KJV)

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