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Can You Help Somebody Like Me?

By Sandra Gibson

I sat watching a movie where a husband constantly abused his wife. She had no other family, she had no job and as she told the police, she had nowhere to go. So back home she went to the beatings.

On her way home however, she sat on a bench deep in thoughts only to be interrupted by a gentleman who came out of nowhere and sat next to her. He told her these words “Whatever it is God can help you, pray to Him.” As the man left, she got up from the bench, walked a few feet and started to pray. These were her words, “Can You help somebody like me?” Well, my mind went whirling as I spoke to her as though she was next to me “Of course God can help somebody like you.” Have you ever spoken to someone on TV? Well I did! I started to let her know God can. It did not matter what had happened to her, what she had done or what she was going through.

Today, I want to let someone reading this know that God can help somebody like you. What are you battling with? What pain or hurt are you experiencing? What have you done or think you have done, that is so bad that God cannot help someone like you?

Jesus said that we should come to Him with our troubles of life and sins and we will be able to bear them with His help and grace (Matthew 11:28). The Bible further encourages us to throw off our fears, cares and concerns onto God because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). So whatever you are battling with, turn it over to God for He will be right there fighting the battle with you and for you. Whatever you may have committed that you think is so bad that God cannot forgive you, think again. God is able and willing to forgive. If God has forgiven Adam and Eve who started this mess, tell me what could you have done that God would not forgive and love you.

Is it adultery? Well hear this. Jesus forgave a woman caught in the very act (John 8:1-12). He said to her neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more.

Is it doubt? Jesus did not condemn Thomas when he did not believe that the other disciples has seen Jesus. Rather, Jesus removed that doubt by fulfilling Thomas’ request to the very word (John 20:24-29). Thomas cried out “My Lord and my God”.

What about those who crucified Christ on the cross? Did He call a legion of angels and destroyed them? Oh no, instead He forgave them (Luke 23:34) “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”.

Is it murder? Saul persecuted the church and was responsible for the death of Stephen, not only did God forgive Saul but so did Stephen just before he died he said “lay not this sin to their charge” (Acts7:54-60). God forgave Saul, cleaned him up and used him to fulfill His plan and purpose.

There are so many other situations that we can speak to where God forgave persons like you and me. Peter denied Jesus (Matthew 26:75; John 21:15 -17); Zacchaeus stole from the people (Luke 19:9); a thief on the cross sought forgiveness (Luke 23:39-43).

Maybe you are like the woman on TV, beaten and wondering, can God help somebody like me? Can God really love somebody like me? The answer is yes, yes, yes! God can help somebody like you. God has helped people like you and me. It does not matter what we have done or where we have been. It does not matter that we are wealthy or poor, black or white. God loves somebody like you and me. All we have to do is to turn to Him in our hearts and feel that love.

God Bless!

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