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The Real and The Righteous: Covid-19 & 2020

Updated: May 1, 2020

By Jeremy Whittaker

Esther 4:14: “and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (KJV)

Let’s just all address the elephant in the room; this shut down has been a real mixed bag of nuts, and there is only so much of it we can take. Maybe you too, like me, spent the first days of lock down picking up on habits that were being slacked on, or practising a whole new skill. Maybe you spent the time catching up on some much needed R & R: watching your favorite shows, or a series you hadn’t watched before, baking treats, playing a variety of games or simply resting. All of which are just as sweet as the treats that some have been baking during the shutdown.

Until Saturday I was one of those for whom the shutdown has been nothing but sweet treats! Every single activity I have done during this lock down has gone almost exactly to plan and I have not had any problems with the time relegated to my residence. Shutdown 2020 was to me, my own little paradise. That was until my neighbor explained to me that my favorite activity during this time was too loud and then asked me to desist from it. Out of respect, I agreed. Let me repeat that, my favorite activity during lock down is done! I couldn’t hide the fact that I was more than a bit disappointed. That description is inadequate; instead I embarked on an emotional downhill deserving of its own Lamentations.

Finally I understood that this shut down hasn’t been all peanuts and cashews. Rather just like any mixed nuts, some of the events during this shut down have been much more like Brazil nuts. That is, some events have been less desirable, even regrettable and downright detestable; leaving us to agree that these events shouldn’t have been included. A few of such events include: the closing of supermarkets, the ridiculous lines now that supermarkets are open again, the boredom of inside, the prohibition of alcohol for the rum bibbers. Not to mention that some have had no other option but to be laid off. That’s not even the half, there are real persons close to us who have lost uncles, brothers, sisters, aunts, parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors and colleagues to this destructive pandemic. So trust me, I understand now that some persons wish deeply that 2020 had never happened. Furthermore, it is unbelievable that the marathon has only just started and God alone knows when it will be done. (So I’m not being pessimistic when I say we have not seen the worst of its effects.)

I have even fiddled with a few options in my mind concerning cancelling 2020: could the world wipe the affected months from the history books and start 2020 over from January 1st, even if it is technically September 15th for example? Could the history books simply scrap the whole year out as if it never happened; would the world then just run from 2021 or retry 2020? That deep feeling of regret for this time is very real for many persons in the world today, and the hate for 2020 is real.

Therefore now that we have dealt with the real, let us unwrap the righteous, which if I might add is more real than the real.

Isaiah 55:9: "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." (KJV)

Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end." (KJV)

That incident Saturday reminded me of how much I built my life around a regular, uninterrupted schedule, surrounded by persons of like passions, and in the places where my passions are the accepted norm. I couldn’t help but bemoan how much I can’t wait to get back to my normal way of life. I should expand that to say how much we have built our lives around regular, uninterrupted schedules, where we all choose to exist in systems of comfort and familiarity.

I fully understand then that feeling of why God, why do we have to go through this? Why did this have to happen now? This was not factored into my plan or vision for my life and rather it has caused a severe setback. If any one of us could, with the switch of a button remove Covid-19 from the world right now, we wouldn’t hesitate to flip that switch. However, what if you were the switch controller and God was telling you not just yet, would you still go ahead and flip the switch?

I totally get it, that seems so different from the God who promises to make me lie down in green pastures and to lead me beside the still waters in Psalm 23; because 2020 does not look like still waters! Well, that is why Isaiah 55:9 says "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God’s plans that much higher than my plans." When this is all over, and the smoke clears, imagine all that will be revealed:

  • Health care and front-line workers will realize somebody prayed for me, they had me on their mind, they sacrificed their time, they got down on their knees and prayed for me and that prayer sustained and protected them

  • The same will realize the keeping and saving power of God

  • So many of mankind’s wicked ways may be exposed and we will realize that life went on without prostitution, debauchery, adultery, drunkenness, violence etc.

  • We may get to thinking since we survived without these wicked ways during lock down, that we can survive without it for the rest of our life

  • We, the persons on lock down will realize we didn’t catch this rampant disease, all thanks to God

  • Those who recovered from death’s door will seek God’s direction now that they were rescued from the gates of hell.

That alone is my imagination! The Bible tells me God’s imagination and good wishes are infinitely more than mine. So, though as a world we mourn, we shall rejoice one day soon with God at the helm of all things.

During this period God is working a work so great, so glorious that all eyes will be privy to it, and many will come to know the salvation of the Lord Most High. 2 Peter 3:9 reminds us that God is not slack concerning his promises, but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So, to the reader would you still flip that switch resetting 2020, or ridding the world of this disease before God said to?

I urge you to lose the feelings of deep regret and the hatred for this time, instead join on the track with God’s work and be joyful knowing that something grand and so good is in the works. We should all get even more excited because we get to play a big role in this work, or must I like Mordecai in Esther 4:14 remind you that “who knows if you were not called to the kingdom for such a time as this”. I urge you to join in God’s work in the different methods of sharing the word: maybe you share it on social media, in person, on the phone, at work, at play or wherever else. This is a true time for sowing the word, watering the word and one day soon God will bring the increase (1 Cor. 3:6). Just like every big job needs many laborers, he also needs prayers, fasters, and the tech-savvy, educators, persons who care for the elderly and the shut-ins and the list goes on. Whatever you can bring to the table, God can use in this grand work in 2020.

Let’s therefore join our perspective with Joseph in Genesis 50:20 so that we understand that when evil was intended for us, God meant it unto good, to bring to pass as it is this day, to save much people alive.

Lastly, I just want to remind all to remain mindful of your actions in public spaces and be wise and to follow the instructions of the authorities and to please be safe. Grace and peace.

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May 05, 2020

Great words of encouragement. Blessings ever.

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