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The Storm Shall Pass

By Sandra Gibson

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof." Psalm 46:1-3

No matter how long a storm lingers, it has to move on!

We often times do not like to hear that word ‘storm’ as it brings with it, dark skies, winds, rain, thunder, lightning and flooding, destruction and sometimes loss. How we wish the storm and its characteristics would go away and the sun would peek out.

Experience teaches us that each year around a certain season, storms are given names, so they are expected and monitored. These storms come down the African coast and may fade away, continue as a storm or develop into hurricanes. Some storms may visit a country and do very little damage and that same storm that develops into a hurricane visit another country and do major damage. Storms can be predictable but in most cases unpredictable.

In our lives we experience many challenges that we metaphorically call storms. Troubles, trials, afflictions, disappointments, sorrows, tears, sadness, death, financial difficulties, broken relationships, loss of job, to name a few.

We could not have predicted that we would have experienced such things. We could not have predicted how long they would have lasted or how much we would have been affected them. If we could have, we would have done all in our power to avoid the storms of life. But we could not. What is sure though as we said earlier the storm will pass, not matter how long it lingers, it has to move on.

When we hear that a storm is approaching, we make all the necessary preparations that we can to keep us and our families safe. No one will ever come and announce over a radio that today we are going to have challenging experiences in our lives so we can run and get prepared, but the Bible tells us very clearly and distinctly that these times will come, it calls them perilous times. It tells us when these challenging times come that we should cast all our cares upon God for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). It also tells us (Isaiah 43: 2) that when we pass through the waters, God will be with us, through the river, they shall not overflow us, through the fire we will not be burned. It is sure that the troubles and trials (storms) will come, but just as sure God will be there. There is a song that say “God can, God can, He can move mountains or He can lead us around them. He can stop the rain from falling, stop the thunder from rolling. He can do what no other can”.

My friend be encouraged today, whatever storm may show up on your radar, it does not matter what name they give it, God is well able to stop it, shift it, take you through it or help you pick up the pieces after it has passed. Trust Him to take care of you in every situation. Trust Him to be with you before the storm, during the storm and after the storm. Just remember no matter how long a storm may linger, it has to move on.

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